Business Across Borders 2021

Experts’ Views 25 Business Across Borders 2021 Fredun Pharmaceuticals Limited Fredun Medhora Managing Director Please give us a brief background about your company and some of its key products and services Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd is a part of Fredun Group which has businesses in various Industries ranging from Diagnostics and Formulations to Consultancy, Education & Textiles. Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd supplies finished formulations to over 42 Countries Globally. The Company has set up a brand new facilities for Ointments & Pelletization in the last 18 months to fuel its constant CAGR of over 27% in the last seven years. Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd has a unique range of products from niche, anti-diabetes to the latest anti- retrovirals . Our Tablet manufacturing unit has a daily throughput of over 22 million tablets along with a dedicated DC Granules manufacturing division which manufactures 12 tons of specialized products for the Indian market as well as the overseas market. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted pharmaceutical sector as well as your company? What are the strategies that the company has deployed to tide over this crisis? The Company was impacted in the first three months of the pandemic due to uncertainties which developed and also due to scarce human resources. However, as we are associated with many governments of different countries there is a great potential for growth. The governments across the globe have realized that their emergency stockpile of medicines and other supplies was not enough to cater for such a wide-spread pandemic and therefore all are reassessing their need for medicines. This has lead to a sudden growth in demand from governments for medicines in all categories not just pertaining to COVID. FPL has been supplying to governments across the globe for more than two decades and has seized the opportunity by catering to all the needs to help rebuild stockpiles across the globe. This has led to a robust growth in the last two quarters and will continue to add revenue in the next three to four years. The pharmaceutical industry per say was not severely affected by the pandemic and will continue to show signs of growth as countries have started to realize the need for a robust and consistent healthcare system. What are some of the company’s key overseas markets? Which are some of the newer markets you are targeting? Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd has predominant focus in the Southeast Asia markets and is extensively doing in the African Continent. We are penetrating further into our existing markets by adding new molecules and increasing our capacities to achieve further economies of scale. The production capacity has been increased by more than 600% in the last three years in anticipation for further demand in our existing markets only. As a Company rather than adding many new countries we are planning to add newproduct lines such a cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals in existing markets to help fuel the growth. However, the Company may add around 12 Countries in the next 24 months with its latest range products. Dun & Bra street