India’s Top PSUs 2019

15 Over the years, the number of CPSEs in India have grown many folds. At the time of First Five Year Plan, only five CPSEs were created with a total investment of ` 290 mn. As of March 31, 2018, the total number of CPSEs stood at 339 (out of which 257 were operational) with a total investment of ` 13,734.12 bn. Sector-wise operating CPSEs as on Mar 31, 2018 Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises Financial Performance of CPSEs in FY18 Growth in aggregate turnover received some impetus Aggregate turnover/ gross revenue from operations that witnessed a turnaround in FY17, received further impetus in FY18. The aggregate turnover registered a growth of 10.2% in FY18 as compared to 6.6% in FY17. In FY15-FY16, CPSEs were adversely impacted by the fall in global commodity prices, weak economic growth and volatile financial markets. In FY17 the turnover of CPSEs witnessed some revival albeit at low base of the previous fiscal. Aggregate turnover of operating CPSEs Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises