India’s Top PSUs 2019

16 Amongst sectors, manufacturing, processing and generation sector reported largest increase (12% y-o-y) in aggregate turnover, followed by mining & exploration sector (9.3%) in FY18, thereby driving growth in aggregate turnover. The agriculture sector, on the other hand, registered a sharp fall of 23.6% y-o-y in gross turnover in FY18 as compared to an increase of 34.9% in FY17. A substantial decline in the turnover of agro- based industries is indicative of distress in the agriculture sector in the country. Within manufacturing sector, a substantial growth in gross revenue of steel, petroleum (refinery & marketing), chemicals & pharmaceuticals and transportation vehicle & equipment contributed to the overall growth in turnover of manufacturing sector. A decline in turnover of industrial & consumer goods and textiles sectors can be attributed to the subdued domestic and global demand scenario. Top five sectors cumulatively contributed 77.6% of aggregate turnover of all operating CPSEs in FY18 Sector-wise aggregate turnover/ gross revenue from operations Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises Growth in total income of CPSEs witnessed a surge In line with the top-line performance of the operating CPSEs, growth in total income/ revenue surged to 11.6% y-o-y in FY18 as against a muted 3.3% in FY17. The significant rise in total income can largely be attributed to the higher sales revenue and a decline in contribution for excise duty due to introduction of GST in Jul 2017. Nonetheless a decline in other income capped growth in total income of CPSEs.