India’s Top PSUs 2019

17 Total income/ revenue of operating CPSEs Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises Net profits of the operating CPSEs remained muted on the back of higher input costs The aggregate net profit of operating CPSEs has witnessed a declining trend in the last three years. In FY15, aggregate net profits reported a decline of almost 20% y-o-y on account of the fall in export earnings. However, aggregate net profits rebounded in FY16 primarily due to a steep decline in rawmaterial costs. The lower input prices continued to support CPSEs in FY17 as well. In FY18, however, rise in global rawmaterial costs and crude oil prices pulled down growth in aggregate net profits. The raw materials cost for CPSEs registered a growth of almost 15.3% y-o-y in FY18. Aggregate net profit of operating CPSEs Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises Profit/ loss making CPSEs – Key Highlights Profit-making CPSEs Loss-making CPSEs FY18 FY17 FY18 FY17 No of profit-making CPSEs 184 175 ñ No of loss-making CPSEs 71 81 ñ Profit of profit-making CPSEs ( ` bn) 1596.4 1529.8 ñ Loss of loss-making CPSEs 312.6 274.8 ò Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18, Department of Public Enterprises