India’s Top PSUs 2019

33 Development Sector-wise expenditure FY15 to FY18 Development Sectors Amount Spent (in ` mn) FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Clean Ganga Fund 54.7 328.2 243.7 21.1 Education, Differently Abled, Livelihood 31,880.9 49,425.5 55,112.9 34,867.6 Encouraging Sports 576.1 1,389.20 1,785.20 1.219.4 Environment, Animal Welfare, Conservation of Resources 8,539.9 9,723.4 13,111.5 10,063.6 Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Old Age Homes, Reducing Inequalities 1,899.2 3,424.6 4,634.9 2,747.9 Health, Eradicating Hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition, Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation 25,259.2 46,075.1 36,401.9 17,735.3 Heritage Art And Culture 1,173.7 1,190.8 3,044.2 2,124.2 Other Sectors (Technology Incubator and Benefits to Armed Forces and Admin Overheads) 95 379.1 601.7 214.4 Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund 2,281.8 2,172.3 1,575.8 604 Rural Development 10,593.4 13,790.8 15,489.4 10,665.1 Slum Area Development 1,011.4 143 514.6 47.0 Swachh Bharat Kosh 1,138.6 3,251.9 1,838.3 1,186.9 Any Other Fund 2,770.9 3,329.1 4,179.8 2,156.6 NEC/ Not Mentioned 13,383.9 10,652.2 3,889.5 - Total 100,659.3 143,662.9 134,646.0 83,653.5 Source: National CSR, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI • In FY18, 606 companies spent a total of ` 39,650 mn across districts in PAN India mainly on the development of the education, rural development projects and environmental sustainability sectors • In FY18, 960 companies incurred a CSR expenditure of ` 14,303.8mn across 37 districts inMaharashtra and the amount was mainly spent on the development of the education, health care and rural development projects sectors • With an expenditure of ` 5,963.7 mn, a total of 350 companies undertook CSR projects/program’s across 28 districts in Karnataka. These projects catered to the development of the education, rural development projects and environmental sustainability sectors CSR Expenditure by CPSEs during FY18 During FY18, 153 CPSEs incurred a spending of ` 34,424.2 mn on CSR activities and projects. The top two development sectors in terms of receiving funding from CPSEs were eradicating hunger and poverty, health care and sanitation sector (33%) along with education and skill development sector (32%). The following table represents the break-up of CSR expenditure by CPSEs based on various activities: Top 10 states in terms of CSR Expenditure in FY18 States Amount spent in FY18 (in ` mn) Maharashtra 14,303.8 Karnataka 5,963.7 Gujarat 3,767.4 Tamil Nadu 3,521 Odisha 3,089.1 Delhi 2,232.2 West Bengal 1,571.3 Rajasthan 1,363.3 Uttar Pradesh 1,226 Telangana 1,199.8 Source: National CSR, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI