India’s Leading BFSI and FinTech Companies 2021

197 Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financials ( ` mn) Key Ratios (%) Total Income Total Assets Net Profit Net Profit Margin TI Growth (%) Assets Growth (%) NP Growth (%) Return on Assets (As on Mar 31, 2020) Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financials ( ` mn) Key Ratios (%) Total Income Total Assets Net Profit Net Profit Margin TI Growth (%) Assets Growth (%) NP Growth (%) Return on Assets (As on Mar 31, 2020) Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financials ( ` mn) Key Ratios (%) Total Income Total Assets Net Profit Net Profit Margin TI Growth (%) Assets Growth (%) NP Growth (%) Return on Assets (As on Mar 31, 2020) Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financials ( ` mn) Key Ratios (%) Total Income Total Assets Net Profit Net Profit Margin TI Growth (%) Assets Growth (%) NP Growth (%) Return on Assets (As on Mar 31, 2020) Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financials ( ` mn) Key Ratios (%) Total Income Total Assets Net Profit Net Profit Margin TI Growth (%) Assets Growth (%) NP Growth (%) Return on Assets (As on Mar 31, 2020) India’s Leading BFSI and FinTech Companies 2021 633.4 4,550.1 186.7 29.5 (25.4) (3.8) (20.6) 4.1 A. K. Capital Services Limited 30-38, 3rd Floor, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, Maharashtra 86-263-4685 4,264.6 22,508.8 700.8 16.4 (6.7) (15.5) (21.3) 3.1 Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation 5-9-194, PB No:165 Chirag Ali Lane, Hyderabad - 500001, Telangana 65-020-0090 5,421.3 28,222.9 1,736.7 32.0 (11.5) (11.6) (13.6) 6.2 BSE Limited 25th Floor, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra 65-009-1705 2,113.9 6,537.5 773.2 36.6 12.2 6.7 (8.4) 11.8 Central Depository Services (India) Limited Marathon Futurex, A-Wing, 25th floor, NM Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013, Maharashtra 86-225-3788 8,587.9 154,423.3 4,990.3 58.1 16.1 (9.1) 40.7 3.2 The Clearing Corporation of India Limited CCIL Bhavan, S. K. Bole Road, Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400028, Maharashtra 91-844-7298 D un & Bradstreet