India’s Top 500 Companies 2019

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2019 97 According to further research, if all Top 500 companies in India were to experience one high growth episode for three years, i.e. FY18-FY20, their total revenue could increase by 1.6 times. Interestingly, the Top 500 companies are nearly seven times as productive as micro firms. Hence, closing the productivity gap will lead to greater output, reduce inequality in wages and increased growth. It is a known fact that when large firms grow, they eventually create opportunities for other medium and smaller firms through an ecosystem of forward and backward linkages, competition and partnership. Top 500 Firms creating opportunity for other firms to grow Conclusion India needs a conducive ecosystem for entrepreneurship, needs to increase firm level productivity and at the same time reduce the productivity gap between firms and identify and enable high growth firms to help Top firms to leapfrog to match the GDP levels of Canada, Italy and/or India of as today in the next ten years. When the TOP firms will grow they will pull the other firms along with them through various linkages Dun & Bradstreet