India’s Top 500 Companies 2019

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2019 5 The publication ‘ India’s Top 500 Companies 2019 ’ is a testimony to the resilience of Corporate India and their critical role in driving the economic growth of the nation. These companies are the frontrunners of Corporate India. An analysis of the Top 500 companies across nearly 60 sectors can be treated as an indicator of the growth trends of India’s leading businesses. In FY18, the Indian economy underwent a deceleration, with GDP growth (GDP at constant prices) slowing down to 7.2% from 8.2% a year ago. Nonetheless, this was still among the highest growth rates reported by major economies. This growth was accompanied with lower inflation, improved current account balance and a notable reduction in fiscal account deficit. During the year, significant steps were undertaken towards matters such as the resolution of NPAs of banks and further liberalization of FDI norms, among others. Following are some of the key highlights from the publication: • The aggregate total income of Top 500 companies grew by 9.2% during FY18. • In contrast, the net profit of Top 500 companies reflected a 4.2% decline in FY18; this was largely due to an erosion in the profits of the Banking, Sugar, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals and Telecom Services sectors. • The 2019 edition of the publication features 48 new companies as compared to the previous edition. The aggregate value of total income of these 48 companies reflected a faster 17.3% growth in FY18, as against the overall growth of 9.2% of all Top 500 Companies taken together. Likewise, their aggregate net profit grew by 27%, as against a 4.2% decline at the aggregate level. Dun & Bradstreet also analyzed the recent performance of 488 companies from the universe of India’s Top 500 Companies, which had consistently published their quarterly interim results during the three-year period ending December 31, 2018 (June, Sept and Dec quarters of FY17, FY18 and FY19). The trends indicate an acceleration in total income growth in the recent quarters. • The aggregate total income of these 488 companies for Apr-Dec 2018 reflected a healthy 19.1% y-o-y growth vis-à-vis a 12.3% growth during the corresponding period a year ago. • The aggregate PAT during the period grew by 7.6% as against a decline of 0.3% during Apr-Dec 2017. Going forward, economic growth is expected to remain steady. As the dynamic Indian economy continues to scale the global ranks, Dun & Bradstreet India is committed to continue tracking India’s corporate growth story through its editions of ‘India’s Top 500 Companies’. Naina R Acharya Leader Learning & Economic Insights Group Dun & Bradstreet India Executive Summary Dun & Bradstreet