India’s Top 500 Companies 2019

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2019 368 Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) 86-221-7325 1952 21,088.4 1,167.3 16,171.5 Sale of Readymade Garments 5.5 7.2 1.0 357 348 290 Trent Limited Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra Dun & Bradstreet