India’s Top 500 Companies 2019

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2019 423 Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® No Financial Details and Rankings Year of Incorporation Total Income (TI) Net Profit (NP) Net Worth (NW) Value ( ` in Million) Key Products & Services Ratios NPM (%) RONW (%) Current Ratio (times) Value Rankings TI NP NW (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) (As on Mar 31, 2018) 65-007-9432 1939 27,419.3 1,760.5 30,104.2 Inbound and Outbound Travel, Leisure and Foreign Exchange Dealing 6.4 5.8 2.3 293 294 192 Cox & Kings Limited 1st Floor, Turner Morrison Building, 16, Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra 65-060-6247 1978 19,375.7 5,314.3 16,904.5 Travel & Related Services and Financial Services 27.4 31.4 1.2 381 145 282 Thomas Cook (India) Limited 2nd Floor, No-324, Thomas Cook Building, Dr D Naoroji Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra Dun & Bradstreet