India’s Top 500 Companies 2019

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2019 1 Dun & Bradstreet India is proud to announce the launch of the 2019 edition of its premier publication ‘ India’s Top 500 Companies ’. The publication, which was launched in 1997, profiles the leading companies of corporate India across nearly 60 sectors. The companies are ranked based on their total income, net profit, and net worth. It presents a comparison of financial parameters of companies within their respective sectors. The optics of company-wise contribution to India’s GDP shows that the Top 500 companies featured in this publication alone contribute a significant amount to India’s GDP. Today, if we consider the Top 500 Indian firms as a country, it would be the 25th largest economy in the world. If they continue to perform as they are doing currently, and their contribution remains the same, then by 2030 they would be bigger than Canada or equivalent to Italy of today. Further, India’s Top 500 firms need to maintain their leadership position and grow stronger. The trend shows that at the current churn rate, less than half of today’s Top 500 companies will stay in the group after 12 years. India added just 2 companies in the list of Fortune 500 between 2005-2017 as against China’s 95. As a result, during this period, China’s GDP increased by 4 times while India’s GDP just doubled. We would like to recommend three specific areas amongst various others, which will enable companies to grow and retain their leadership position i.e. a) improving the entire entrepreneurship ecosystem b) identifying and promoting high growth companies and c) strengthening institutions. Firstly, the entrepreneurship ecosystem of India is far below many countries as measured by The Global entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI). India has just started the journey and we have miles to cover. Secondly, policy makers in many countries are now seeking to identify and support high growth firms given their ability to generate more employment and output. India needs to direct its policy measure to identify the emergence and expansion of the high growth firms. And lastly, India also needs to strengthen its institutions as it will help entrepreneurial activity to shift towards more productive entrepreneurship and thereby strengthen economic development. As the Top 500 firms grow, they will pull along with them the medium and smaller firms through forward and backward linkages, competition and partnership. I hope you will enjoy reading this publication and look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and suggestions. Manish Sinha Managing Director – India Dun & Bradstreet Preface Dun & Bradstr et