India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 97 Comparative Statistics of Public and Private Sector Companies: 1997 edition vs 2020 edition Indicators 1997 edition 2020 edition CAGR Public Private Public Private Public Private Number of companies 63.0 437.0 60.0 440.0 Avg market cap ( ` Bn) 1,923.0 2,660.5 19,476.4 1,08,858.7 11.1 18.4 Share in India’s Top 500 (Mcap) 42.0 58.0 15.2 84.8 Total Income ( ` Bn) 2,073.4 2,002.9 27,385.8 38,965.9 12.4 14.4 Share in India’s Top 500 (TI) 50.9 49.1 41.3 58.7 Net Profit ( ` Bn) 152.6 155.4 1,385.8 3,873.7 10.5 15.8 Share in India’s Top 500 (NP) 49.5 50.5 26.3 73.7 Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research While the number of public sector companies featured in the 2020 has remained largely unchanged since the 1997 edition, their contribution in the aggregate value of all parameters has contracted over the years. In the inaugural 1997 edition, the 60-odd public sector companies accounted for nearly 50% of the aggregate value of all parameters. However, since then, the share of public sector companies in the total income of Top 500 Companies has reduced to 41.3% in the 2020 edition. Even more striking is the fact that the share of public sector companies in the aggregate net profit and aggregate average market capitalisation has shrunk even more significantly, to as low as 26.3% and 15.2%, respectively. On a positive note, this is more a reflection of the increasing influence of private sector companies and equitable growth than anything else. The contribution of private sector companies featured in Top 500 Companies publication has shown a substantial improvement over the years. The aggregate total income of these companies grew by 14.4% per annum, from ` 2,002.9 bn in the inaugural edition to ` 38,965.9 bn in the 2020 edition. Likewise, the aggregate net profit of private companies rose from ` 155.4 bn in the 1997 edition to ` 3,873.7 bn in the current edition, reflecting a CAGR of 15.8%. Even when it comes to the bourses, the aggregate average market capitalisation of private companies surged to ` 108.8 tn in the 2020 edition from ` 2,660.5 bn in the 1997 edition, reflecting a CAGR of 18.4%. The Hallmark List: 129 Companies that have Featured in all 20 Editions of the Publication The 2020 edition of the ‘India’s Top 500 Companies’ publication includes 129 companies which have featured in all the 20 editions of the publication. The fact that these 129 companies were able to maintain their growth trajectories and retain their position over the years amidst ever-increasing competition and economic headwinds is quite remarkable. Hence, it would not be wrong to label this list of companies as ‘The Hallmark List’ and to refer to them as ‘consistent performers’. Dun & Bradstreet