India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 98 Consistently-Featuring Companies Account for Lion’s Share in all Aggregates The 129 companies that have featured in all editions of the India’s Top 500 Companies publication can be labelled as heavyweights in terms of key parameters. Despite having less than 26% representation in the universe of Top 500 Companies, they contribute heavily in terms of aggregate values of total income, net profit and average market capitalisation. In the inaugural 1997 edition of India’s Top 500 Companies publication, these 129 companies collectively accounted for around 67% of the aggregate average market capitalisation of Top 500 Companies and around 60% of the aggregate values of total income and net profit. By the 2020 edition, these companies managed to hold on to around 50-52% share in the aggregate values of the aggregate average market capitalisation and aggregate net profits and a 57% share in aggregate total income. Performance Trends of 129 Consistently-Featuring Companies Indicators 1997 edition 2020 edition CAGR Avg market cap ( ` Bn) 3,061.8 64,862.2 14.9 Total Income ( ` Bn) 2,438.5 37,984.6 13.3 Net Profit ( ` Bn) 183.6 2,724.9 13.0 Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Contribution of Consistently-Featuring Companies in Key Parameters vis-à-vis Other Companies (2020 edition) 50.5% 51.8% 57.2% 25.8% 49.5% 48.2% 42.8% 74.2% Avg Mcap PAT Tot al Income No. of Companies 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Consi stent Performers Other Companies Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Another interesting fact to note is that this list of 129 companies features 24 public sector companies. Considering the fact that all editions of the publication have consistently featured around 60 public sector companies, this statistic stands testimony to the influence of the public sector and the important role it continues to play in India’s socio-economic development. Dun & Bradstreet