India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 106 This section dwells on the performance of India’s Top 500 Companies during FY19. Accordingly, it makes use of key observations and trends derived through an in-depth analysis of key financial parameters for the years FY19 and FY18. Manufacturing/Industry sectors Dominate the Universe of Top 500 Companies in FY19 The 2020 edition of the India’s Top 500 Companies publication features as many as 327 companies classified under manufacturing/industry. These companies dominated the universe of Top 500 Companies in all respects, accounting for a whopping 65% of the aggregate total income, 62.4% of the aggregate net profit and 51.5% of the aggregate average market capitalization. Interestingly, while accounting for barely one-fourth of the universe of Top 500 Companies, service sector companies (129) contributed to more nearly one third of the aggregate total income and aggregate net profit of Top 500 Companies during the year. They also accounted for nearly 41% of the aggregate average market capitalization. Contribution of Agro-based, Manufacturing/Industry and Service Sector Companies Sectors No. of Companies Total Income FY19 ( ` bn) Share in Total Income (%) PAT FY19 ( ` bn) Share in PAT (%) Mkt Cap FY19 ( ` bn) Share in Mkt Cap (%) Agro-based 44 2,862.7 4.3 282.6 5.4 9,700.4 7.6 Manufacturing/Industry 327 43,099.3 65.0 3,283.3 62.4 66,153.5 51.5 Services 129 20,389.8 30.7 1,693.6 32.2 52,481.2 40.9 Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Contribution and influence of various sectors within the Universe of Top 500 Companies 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% No. of Cos Agg. TI Agg. PAT Agg. Mcap 65.4% 65.0% 62.4% 51.5% 25.8% 30.7% 32.2% 40.9% 8.8% 4.3% 5.4% 7.6% % share Mfg/Ind Servi ces Agro-Based Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research India’s Top 500 Companies: Snapshot of FY19 Dun & Bradstreet