India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 112 even as stores were closed to public. Meanwhile, a host of manufacturers of alcoholic beverages have startedmanufacturing hand-sanitizers amidst its rising shortage. Being Humane In these trying times, companies have come to the fore, lending a helping hand to citizens and the Government in the fight against the pandemic. Several companies have donated a sizeable chunk of their annual CSR budgets towards COVID-19 relief measures, including the PM-Cares Fund. From providing sanitizers, masks, ventilators and PPE kits to setting up dedicated hospital beds and other medical facilities, delivering free meals to the needy or providing assistance to the medical fraternity, Corporate India has risen up to the challenge. Ensuring Employee Wellbeing With employees working remotely, ensuring physical and mental health of employees has been a priority. Companies are also encouraging staff to take up e-learning to upgrade their skills and to keep them productively engaged. For those who cannot entirely work away from office, employers are implementing various protocols, such as staggered shifts, social distancing, safety equipment, sanitization, etc., to ensure safety. For employees, who fear exposure to the virus, special leave provisions have been introduced to ensure quarantine does not affect their payout. Tata Steel, for instance, has been encouraging vulnerable employees like expecting mothers to take full-paid leave as long as needed, if they are unable to work from home. Dun & Bradstreet