India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 126 Experts’ View Galaxy Surfactants Limited K. K. NATARAJAN Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer Tell us about Galaxy Surfactants journey and its key milestones thus far. – Galaxy Surfactants is one of the leading manufacturers in the world of surfactants and specialty care ingredients, exclusively focused on catering to the home and personal care industry. The journey began in 1980 when five friends got together, leaving their cushy jobs in order to give shape to the entrepreneurial spirit within them. Galaxy’s 40 years can be divided into three phases – • Phase I: From 1980 – 95, was all about survival. • Phase II: From 1996 – 2005, was all about revival. The opening up of the Indian economy saw us investing for the future, be it in terms of technology or people, with the aim to become a domestic behemoth in the surfactants industry • Phase III: Since 2006, it has been about arrival – arrival on the big stage, as a global multinational; a valued mind partner for the home and personal care companies. This phase has seen Galaxy investing outside India, building up capabilities and competencies to be future ready and becoming a solutions provider rather than just a product supplier. Qualitatively, the last 40 years have been about valuing and building long lasting relationships with all our stakeholders and being ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the trends, voice of our customers and consumers and investing accordingly. These qualitative and measured quantitative decisions over the years have ensured we become the Galaxy of today - a one-stop solution for the Home and Personal Care Industry. With a product portfolio of over 200 products with sales in 80+ countries to over 1750 customers, comprising of multinationals, regional majors as well as local niche e-commerce players, Galaxy has come a long way in the last 4 decades. Financially, our revenues and profits have compounded at 28.5% for the last 40 years, a distinct feat achieved by few. How did COVID-19 impact your business? How has the Company responded to the situation? Since we serve exclusively to the Home and Personal Care industry, the growing awareness about hygiene, cleanliness and healthy living, augurs well for us. The basic attributes of our performance surfactants is to provide cleansing and foaming properties, which form the base of any cleansing product. Our specialty care products find application in various masstige products, which are the need of the hour today. Barring some premium specialties, demand remains healthy. The challenge though is on the supply “ The last 40 years have been about valuing and building long lasting relationships with all our stakeholders and being ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the trends, voice of our customers and consumers and investing accordingly. ” Dun & Bradstreet