India’s TOP 500 Companies 2020

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2020 1 Dun&Bradstreet is pleased to launch the 2020 edition of its premier publication ‘India’s Top 500 Companies’. This year marking an important milestone as we release the 20th edition. Dun & Bradstreet is proud to say that over the past two decades, this publication has earned the reputation of one of the most credible and comprehensive compendiums in the Indian Corporate sector. The India’s Top 500 Companies publication was first launched in 1997 to share the leading companies of corporate India –that epitomise the driving force of the Indian economy. Companies are ranked based on their total income, net profit, net worth, as well as presenting a comparison of financial parameters within their respective sectors. Over the past two decades, the Top 500 Companies have consistently accounted for at least 20% of the GDP, nearly one-third of exports and about one-third of India’s tax revenues. These companies have also grown much faster than the Indian economy over the same period. While the economy has grown twelve- fold since 1996-97, the aggregate total income of the Top 500 Companies has increased by 15 times, while the aggregate market capitalization has expanded to 27 times the value over this time. To give you another perspective on the scale and magnitude, if this universe of Top 500 Indian companies were to be carved out into a separate country, it would be the 25th largest economy in the world. Moreover, a large group of these companies have a long history and legacy of their own. This can be gauged from the fact that the Top 500 Companies together have a combined history of nearly 22,000 years. Combining such a rich legacy into one universe makes these organizations a formidable force, on a global scale. We are all amidst a pandemic situation, which is probably the most challenging situation that anyone in the current generation has ever witnessed in their lifetime. Needless to say, the pandemic has not just disrupted everyday living, but has also impacted business strategies and economic roadmaps as a whole. Governments across the world have come forward with stimulus packages and other financial incentives to support businesses. Equally many businesses have responded to the crisis by quickly shifting their workflows to a virtual environment and redesigning their operating models. India’s Top 500 Companies with their heritage and focus on innovation certainly have the scale and fortitude to influence a quick revival of the economy in the aftermath of the ongoing pandemic. I hope you will enjoy reading India’s Top 500 Companies 2020 and I look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and suggestions. Preface Mr. Julian Prower Chief Operations Officer - International and Managing Director – India, Dun & Bradstreet Dun & Bradstreet