India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 109 The key components of ESG are as follows - a. Environmental: This relates to the impact a company’s operations have on the environment and the company’s ability to mitigate the same. The company’s initiatives in this aspect can include how the company manages its carbon emissions and measures taken to reduce carbon footprint, toxic emissions and other wastage, etc. It also highlights how positively the company is exploring opportunities to bring about clean technology, renewable energy and green development, etc. b. Social: Social factors pertain to a company’s reputation and its relationship with other businesses, members of the community, and includes the company’s policy towards its employees and their welfare, workforce diversity and inclusion, human capital development, health and safety parameters. It also takes into consideration the company’s commitment towards product quality and safety, privacy and data security, responsible investments among other factors. c. Governance: This includes a company’s internal practices and controls such as business ethics, tax transparency, anti-competitive practices, accounting methods, executive compensation and board composition. • Climate Change • Natural Resources • Pollution & Waste Management • Environmental Opportunities • Corporate Governance • Corporate Behaviour • Business Ethics • Anti-competitive behavious • Tax transparency • Transparency in reporting • Audits • Anti-bribery/anti-corruption • Executive Pay • Human Capital • Health & Safety • Product Liability • Involvement with Community • Inclusion and diversity • Stakeholder Opposition • Social Opportunities ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Dun & Bradstr et