India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 119 India’s Top 500 Companies: FY20 in a Snapshot Total Income of Top 500 Companies Remains Flat in FY20 In FY20, India’s economic growth slowed down to an 11-year low of ~4%. Both consumption and investment demand remained depressed, thereby putting a severe drag on economic growth in FY20. The universe of India’s Top 500 Companies, however, reflected an even more sedate performance collectively, with their aggregate total income in FY20 remaining largely flat as compared to FY19. The growth in aggregate total income of Top 500 companies was largely pulled down by a 5.4% decline in aggregate total income of manufacturing companies, which account for two-thirds of the universe of Top 500 Companies. Out of the 41 manufacturing sectors covered, 26 reported a decline in their total income in FY20 vis-a-vis the previous year. Some of the worst-hit sectors were Automobiles, Auto Components and Engineering/Capital Goods. On the other hand, the aggregate total income of services sector companies grew by a healthy 11.2%, largely driven by a robust growth in sectors like Banks, FI/ NBFCs/Financial Services, Healthcare, Professional & Business Services and Real Estate, among others. Manufacturing/Industry Sector Dominates the Universe of Top 500 Companies 2021 6 3 3 2 3 67 63 67 57 51 27 34 30 41 45 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Total count Total Income Net Profit Net Worth Market Capitalization Agriculture Manufacturing Services Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Sharpest Fall Fastest Growth 0.06% Growth in Aggregate Total Income of Top 500 Compaies Banks (16.2%) Fls/NBFCs/Fin Serv (16.8%) Food Products (13.9%) Engg/Capital Goods (15.7%) Automobiles (22.3%) Auto Comp (14%) Dun & Bradstreet