India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 120 Performance of 10 Largest Sectors - Growth in Total Income (%) 16.8 16.2 8.8 8.2 8.1 (3.1) (5.8) (8.3) (11.0) (22.3) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 FIs / NBFCs / Financial Services Banks Software and BPM Pharmaceuticals Power Construction - Infrastructure Development Oil - Refining & Marketing Insurance Iron & Steel Automobiles Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Total Expenses of Top 500 Companies Rose by Merely 0.9% in FY20 The subdued domestic demand in FY20, coupled with easing of international industrial input & crude prices calmed inflationary pressures on industrial inputs and fuel group segments. The total expenses of Top 500 companies during the year largely reflected this trend, rising by merely 0.9%. While financial services expenses (including interest costs) rose significantly during the year, raw material expenses and power & fuel costs saw substantial decline. Movement in Major Expense Heads of Top 500 Companies – FY20 0.9 - 8.7 0.5 15.9 - 3.4 8.9 Total expenses Raw materials, stores & spares Purchase of finished goods Financial services expenses Power, fuel &water charges Compensation to employees Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Dun & Bradstreet