India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 124 In terms of overall financial leverage, the debt-equity ratio of all Top 500 Companies taken together stood at 1.7 times in FY20, unchanged vis-à-vis the preceding year. The sectors with the highest debt-equity ratio among the Top 500 Companies were FIs/NBFCs/Financial Services, Trading & Distribution, Power Equipment, Fertilisers, Defence and Power. Top 500 Companies Reiterate Their Commitment Towards Corporate Social Responsibility in FY20 The commitment of Top 500 companies towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) was depicted through a strong 37% increase in their actual CSR expenditure in FY20. During the year, Top 500 Companies spent at least ` 155.1 bn on CSR activities. Some of the biggest spenders on CSR activities during the year were the Oil - Refining & Marketing, Software and BPM, Banks, FIs/NBFCs/Financial Services, Power, Oil & Gas Exploration and Pharmaceuticals sectors. Biggest CSR-Spending Sectors in FY20 ` 37.3bn Oil - Refining & Marketing ` 16.2 bn Software and BPM ` 12.0bn Banks ` 11.7bn FIs / NBFCs / Financial Services ` 9.3bn Power ` 7.3bn Oil & Gas Exploration ` 5.4bn Pharmaceuticals Source: Dun & Bradstreet Research Dun & Bradstreet