India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 140 Experts’ View What has been the company’s philosophy since its inception? Tell us about some of the key milestones achieved by IndoStar Capital Finance in recent times Last year was an extraordinary year by any measure. It was a year of a global pandemic, a global recession, unprecedented government actions, and deeply felt social injustice. It was a year in which each of us faced difficult personal challenges, and a staggering number of us lost loved ones. And it was a time when companies discovered what they really were and, sometimes, what they might become. We have tackled a challenging external environment with a single minded aim to build a resilient business. Our core values help us navigate better through these business challenges and economic volatilities. We believe that a constant adherence to the same will continue to strengthen our foundation, as we embark on the next phase of our journey There are ‘3 R’ which essentially define IndoStar’s way of doing business • Resilient • Responsive • Responsible Some of our recent milestones include: • Last year, even after a challenging liquidity scenario, we have achieved a good growth in disbursement and AUM with our portfolio quality continuing to be robust, where we posted a net revenue from operation of INR 738 crore • Brookfield Business Partners LP, one of the largest asset managers in the world, invested ` 1,225 crore as primary capital into IndoStar which is its first private equity investment in India • In October 2020, IndoStar achieved 100% collection efficiency through all its businesses • IndoStar partnered with NGOs across India & funded multiple projects with total fund spent of INR 22 Lakhs for COVID Relief, where PPE kits, Grocery Kits, Health kits, Dry Rations were distributed to people living in rural parts of India and to Health care professionals • With the aim of diversifying our business, many more branches were opened at the start of the year 2021, in the northern region of India at Guwahati, Patna and Bhopal. Currently we have total of 240 branches across India. We have also on boarded nearly 500 employees since September 2020, 460 of which are after October alone. There are 5 new additions to CXO level leadership this year, which includes a critical position of CBO which has helped the organization with its business expansion strategy. This shows how bullish we are of the post- pandemic opportunity for NBFCs and how we are building capacities to chart a phenomenal growth trajectory. What are the key factors that have contributed to the company’s success? What are the factors that give IndoStar Capital Finance an edge over its competitors? The key factors to IndoStar’s success which also gives it a competitive edge is a blend of 3 important things • Efforts &Value creation of leadership team • Support and guidance of the promoters in Brookfield Asset Management & Everstone • The highly empowered and skilled talent which holds the organization together and enables it to achieve its business goals Addressing ESG risks has emerged as one of the key priorities for businesses in recent years. What steps has the company taken to enhance its ESG ratings? Global corporations have never had as much power as they do right now to leverage their scale to benefit society in a time of global crisis. Executives have also never had a more intense spotlight trained on their behaviors and actions. So definitely, ESG will continue to remain a key focus for all stakeholders, including shareholders. This is further underscored by the fact that ESG funds have received record funding in a pandemic year. We, at IndoStar, are 100% committed to ensuring compliance with global ESG benchmarks. We are constantly striving to make our reporting more accessible and transparent. We are utilizing our CSR activities to focus on community development, rural sanitation and education initiatives. We are also looking at creating separate disbursal procedures for borrowers for electric vehicles, to enable a cleaner and greener environment, albeit this is still in planning stage. INDOSTAR CAPITAL FINANCE LIMITED R Sridhar Executive Vice-Chairman and CEO Dun & Bradstreet