India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 154 Experts’ View What has been the success mantra of the company? What are some of the key milestones of the company in recent years? Having a clear vision as to what Metrochem should represent and building the requisite pieces as we grow to make this vision come true, has been the Mantra of Our Success. If you aspire to be a premier player in the generic drug, substance sector, you need to have exceptional technical exposure, great control over the supply chain, thorough knowledge about the global compliance & regulatory requirements and the flexibility to provide differentiated products at customized volumes. In line with our vision we have made significant investments in R&D both in terms of infrastructure and human resources. We have technically proficient and committed work force, handling our compliance and regulatory aspects. We have a fully vertically integrated Supply chain for all our APIs & Pellets. Our production facilities are designed to cater gram to multi-ton volumes. Finally we have our commercial team always focused on customer success. Metrochem was able to file 27 USDMFS & 13 CEPs in a single year, making us one of the leaders in regulatory filings to US & Europe. Metrochem has also won the prestigious “Bulk Drug Company of Year “award from Department of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India for our contribution towards building a ‘Self-Sustainable’ nation when it comes to Pharmaceutical APIs. What are some of the company’s key products and offerings? What is the company’s outlook over the next 3-5 years? Metrochem operates in three main business verticals namely APIs, Pellets & Intermediates. Our 7 manufacturing facilities have been designed to complement one other thereby operating at a high efficiency. We have a dedicated marketing research and analytical department which helps continuously curate our product portfolio. We have 95+ APIs, 150+ Pellets spread across diverse therapeutic segments and in different stages of the product lifecycle. New chemical entities, yet to generic and generic commodity. We are global leaders in Anti-ulceratives, anti-fungals, anti-diabetic, anti-platelet & urinary tract infection drugs. Moving forward we are enhancing our capabilities to be market leaders in anti-epileptic, respiratory anti-viral and oncology segments. We are evaluating opportunities in the peptide & biosimilar space. Our focus on regulated markets will take the front seat in our business expansion plans. Continuing on our current performance, we will be filing 30-40 DMFs per year. We have major expansions CAPEX plans over the next 3 years to feed our product and business expansion needs. What are some of the company’s key ESG initiatives in recent years? Metrochem is planning to go for captive generation of power with boiler in of one of the units. Waste generated are disposed by secured landfill at respective TSDF and MSW disposal sites and co-incinerated at cement plants as per categorization. Water pollution is handled by Zero Liquid discharge system (ZLD) and Air pollution is controlled by bag filters, cyclones, double condensers, vent condensers etc. We at Metrochem develop future leaders internally in the Organization and encourage women empowerment by having 25% of employees are females and we celebrate the Women’s Day as a grand event in the Organization. Continuous learning process is continuous process and we keep all our employees to be part of it and we encourage employee’s interest and represent to see that employee participation enhances wealth creation. We also see that we do something back to society for the growth and by giving back to the community and developing a sustainable organization which will contribute in creating leaders for the future. METROCHEM API PRIVATE LIMITED Dr. Nandepu Venkateswara Rao Chairman and Managing Director Dun & Bradstreet