India’s TOP 500 Companies 2021

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2021 269 Advertorial businessmen for the purchase of new or existing office or clinic. Loans to purchase a new or existing commercial plot for constructing an office or clinic is also available. d) Affordable Housing: HDFC Reach are specially designed loans for the informal sector, micro-entrepreneurs and salaried individuals for purchase or construction of home, purchase of a shop/ office to run business or for purchasing a plot of land. The company also lends financial assistance to the economically weaker sections, low-income group and middle-income group segments under the government’s flagship scheme, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). The company has the largest number of home loan customers – of approximately 0.23 mn who have availed benefits under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS). Key Highlights FY21 • The Assets Under Management (AUM) as at March 31, 2021 amounted to ₹ 5.70 tn as compared with ₹ 5.17 tn in FY20. • The growth in the individual loan book, after adding back loans sold in the preceding 12 months was 19%. • HDFC’s outstanding loan book stood at ₹ 4.98 tn as at March 31, 2021, compared with ₹ 4.51 tn in FY20. • As of March 31, 2021, cumulative loans disbursed by the company under CLSS stood at ₹ 393.33 bn and the cumulative subsidy amount stood at ₹ 52.11 bn. HDFC has the largest number of beneficiaries under CLSS. • Deposits outstanding as at March 31, 2021 amounted to ₹ 1.50 tn as compared to ₹ 1.32 tn in FY20, clocking a growth of 13%. Deposits have been rated AAA by CRISIL and ICRA for the past 26 consecutive years. • Capital Adequacy ratio stood at 22.2% compared to the regulatory requirement of 14%. • During the year HDFC scaled up its digitalisation platforms for borrowers, depositors, channel partners and deposit agents. Approximately 81% of new borrowers opted for the digital mode. Financial Snapshot for FY21 Total Income (In ` mn) 481,758.6 Net Profit (In ` mn) 120,273.0 Networth (In ` mn) 1,087,826.5 Net Profit Margin (%) 25.0 Return on Net Worth (Avg) (%) 12.3* As on March 31, 2021 * Profit numbers are not comparable with that of the previous year. The merger of GRUH Finance with Bandhan Bank was effective October 17, 2019. As per IndAS, the Corporation had on derecognition of the investment in GRUH, recorded a fair value gain of ` 90.20 billion through the Statement of Profit and Loss of FY20. House Renovation Loans Dun & Bradstreet