India’s Top 500 Companies 2022

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2022 23 „ The total income growth of top 20 sectors averaged 7.9% during FY’17 to FY’21 as compared to 6.6% current GDP growth during the same period which signifies strong outperformance. 12 out of 20 sectors have grown above GDP growth rates during FY’17-21.  BFSI (which includes Insurance, Financial Services and Banking) and Software & BPM have grown at double digit income growth whereas sectors like Engineering projects / capital goods and Oil & gas exploration had a de-growth in total income during FY’17-21. „ The net income growth of top 20 sectors averaged 9.8% during FY’17-21. 15 out of 20 sectors have shown growth, with half of the top 20 sectors growing bottom line in double digits.  Food and Beverages, Banks, Gas-processing, transmission and marketing are the leading sectors which have grown at 20% CAGR in net profit during FY’17-21, whereas Engineering project / capital goods and Automobiles profit have declined by greater than 25% during the similar period. „ Half of the Top 500 sectors have their total income growth greater than GDP growth and net profit growth in double digits during FY’17-21.  Financial Services and Banks have double digit growth in total income and net profits during FY’17-21. India’s Top 500 Companies: FY 2021 snapshot FY 2021 GDP witnessed one of the steepest contractions over last 2 decades. H1 of FY 2021 was impacted due to COVID-19 disruption, however, the economy recovered from the downturn and started recuperating from H2 of FY 2021. The accelerated pace of vaccination, well-crafted fiscal and monetary policy support helped economy to get on the recovery path, putting it among the fastest growing major economies in the world. Dun and Bradstreet India have analyzed the audited standalone financials of Top 500 companies to provide holistic perspective on the financial parameter performance like total income, net profit, and average market capitalisation to assess the impact of pandemic led disruptions on Top 500 Companies. The top 500 companies are segmented into 57 distinct sectors based on the company’s economic activices. For sectoral analysis, D&B has restricted analysis to Top 20 sectors, identified based on their revenue. The top 20 sectors accounts for ~87% of total income and 88% of net profits of Top 500 Companies for FY 2021. Dun & Bradstreet