India’s Top 500 Companies 2022

INDIA’S TOP 500 COMPANIES 2022 33 In recent years, the landscape of ESG investments has flourished in India, with mutual funds launching equity schemes, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and ETF Fund of Funds in the ESG space under thematic category. As on January 31, 2022, there were 10 mutual fund schemes in India having ESG as their theme, with assets under management of over ₹120 bn. In the last 5 years, under the framework for the issuance of Green Debt Securities, 10 issues have together mobilized about ₹31 bn for exclusively financing projects in areas such as renewable and sustainable energy, low carbon transport modes, sustainable land use, etc. This clearly points towards the rising popularity of ESG investing in India. Before ESG came under focus in India, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had been implemented as a tool to achieve sustainable development goals. India, in fact, was the first country to legally mandate corporate social responsibility in 2014. In FY 2021, 8,632 companies across India spent approx. ₹204 bn on 25.3 thsd CSR projects. The development segments like health & sanitation (₹69 bn) and education, differently abled & livelihood (₹64 bn) were the key beneficiaries of CSR programmes. Top 500 companies CSR spends „ Top 20 sectors contributes approx. ₹115 bn which represents 83% of total CSR spending of Top 500 companies. „ Top 4 sectors such as Oil - Refining &Marketing (17%), Software & BPM (14%), Banks (12%) and Financial Services (10%), are leading sectors with CSR spends. Source: D&B Research, Company annual reports CSR (in ₹ billion), FY '21 Net Profit (in ₹ billion), FY '21 Oil - Refining & Marketing Software and BPM Banks FIs / NBFCs / Financial Services Power Oil & Gas Exploration Pharmaceutical Iron & Steel Cement Automobile - Two/Three Wheelers FMCG Construction - Infrastructure Development Mining - Metals & Minerals Automobiles Non-Ferrous Metals Gas - Processing, Transmission & Marketing Chemicals Engineering Projects/ Capital Goods Food and Beverages Insurance 0 4 8 12 20 0 300 600 900 1200 Indicates sector revenue based on Top 500 companies classification for FY 2021 Dun & Bradstreet