India’s Leading BFSI Companies 2020

XXXI Indian Securities Market India’s stock market capitalization as at end of March 2019 stood at ` 1,51,087 billion or USD 2,184 billion. As on December 31, 2018, India‘s stock market capitalization amounted to 2.8% of the total global stock market capitalization and 8.7% of the stock market capitalization of the Asia-Pacific region. The recognized stock exchanges clocked a turnover of ` 87,246 billion or USD 1,248 billion during fiscal 2019. The turnover in the equity cash segments of the domestic bourses during 2018 amounted to 1.3% of the global stock market turnover and 4.4% of the stock market turnover in the Asia-Pacific region. In terms of number of trades in equity shares during 2018, NSEIL ranked second only to Shenzhen Stock Exchange and BSE Ltd. ranked 11th globally. The resources mobilized from the primary market in India amounted to ` 549 billion or nearly USD 8 billion. India accounted for 6.0% of the total number of IPOs made globally during 2018 and 9.9% of the total number of IPOs made in the Asia- Pacific region. The capital raised through IPOs in India during 2018 amounted to 2.7% of the resources raised through IPOs globally during 2018 and 5.2% of the resources raised through IPOs in the Asia-Pacific region. Resource mobilization through SME platform Resource mobilization through SME platform 2250 1844 156 110 0 80 160 240 1500 2000 2500 FY18 FY19 No of issues ` cr Amount ( ` cr) No. of issues The SME platform witnessed a drop in fiscal 2019 on-year both in terms of the number of companies accessing and the amount raised through IPOs. In fiscal 2019, 110 companies were listed in the SME platform raising a total amount of ` 1,844 cr as compared to ` 2,250 cores raised through 156 issues in the previous fiscal. Source: SEBI Sector-wise Resource Mobilisation Sector-wise resource allocation By sector, 129 private sector issuers and four public sector issuers mobilised resources through primary market in fiscal 2019 as compared to 216 private sector issuers and seven public sector issuers in fiscal 2018. In fiscal 2019, private sector issuers mobilised ` 16,753 cr through public issuance of equity thereby constituting 91.9% of the total resourcemobilisation in fiscal 2019 as compared to ` 68,870 cr raised (constituting 65.6% of total resource mobilised) in fiscal 2018. 0 20 40 60 80 Private Public ` '000 cr FY18 FY19 Dun & Bradstreet