India’s Leading BFSI Companies 2020

XLVIII Total investment in the insurance sector Investment in insurance sector 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Life Life General, Health and re-insurance General, Health and re-insurance 2018 2019 ` '000 cr Public Priveate • Investment in insurance sector in India witnessed 11.3% growth on-year in FY19. Life insurance segment, which accounted 93% of total investment, clocked a growth of 10.8% on-year in FY19. Share of states: Health Insurance It’s observed that states with higher GSDP, have higher share in health insurance premium. Maharashtra with highest contribution to GDP (14%) in fiscal 2019 also has the highest contribution in health insurance premium. It’s also observed that 62% of offices of general insurers are in Tier-I or Metro cities. Tier-II and Tier-III cities constitute 10% and 15% of total number of offices in India. Remaining 12% offices are in rural areas. Dun & Bradstreet