India’s Leading BFSI Companies 2020

LIX Source:World Bank Technology adoption can spur growth through various channels. A majority of the ‘new economy’ firms i.e. Fintech firms operate in the ‘innovation’ space DIGITAL DIVIDEND Transaction costs Transactions, arranged from high to low cost Inclusion Efficiency Innovation Pre-Internet Post-Internet Source:Various articles and reports including those of McKinsey, ISPIRIT Leveraging technology has helped in building an ecosystem that can profitably serve low-ticket markets that were previously unviable due to high cost and time THE FINTECH DISTRUPTION Customer acquisition cost ₹ 1500 ₹ 150 90.0% Lending cost ₹ 7,000 ₹ 1,750 75.0% Transaction cost ₹ 40 - 50 ₹ 1 98.0% Retail customer onboarding time 6 days 1 Hour 99.3% Personal- loan (Time to cash) 2 - 4 days Few Hours 99.0% Small business loans (Time to cash) 3 months Less than 24 hours 99.7% Traditional banking Cost Time Fintech Dun & Bradstreet