India's Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023

India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023 | 7 [ OVERVIEW OF INDIA HEALTHCARE SECTOR ] The second pillar of Ayushman Bharat – Heal th & Wel lness centres (HWCs) aimed to deliver comprehensive range of services spanning preventive, promotive, cura t i ve , rehabi l i t a t i ve and palliative care. Over 150 thsd HWCs will be created to deliver comprehensive primary health care, that is universal, free of costs. Both state and central government s c h e m e s f o r i m p r o v i n g affordable healthcare services led to improvement in scores for Universal Health coverage and out of pocket expenditure over 2010 to 2019. However, it remains low as compares to BRICS market and concentratedandcontinuedefforts is required fromall stakeholders to improve situation by 2030. Addressing these challenges will require significant investments in heal thcare inf rast ructure, increas ing heal th insurance coverage, improving public health infrastructure, and promoting preventive healthcare. It will also require a focus on developing and retaining skilledhealthcareworkers and reducing the disparities in access to healthcare services. KEY GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES National Health Mission: Public Health is a state subject and, hence, the respons ibi l i ty of providing medical assistance to patients is of respective State or Union Territory governments. National Health Mission (NHM) – a flagship programme of the ministry with its two sub-missions, Universal health coverage and out-of-pocket expenditure Source: World Bank, Dun & Bradstreet - National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) andNational Urban Health Mission (NUHM) - supports State or Union Territory governments to strengthen healthcare systems to provide universal access to equitable, affordable and quality health care services. National Digital HealthEcosystem: Rolling out of the National Digital Health Ecosystem is likely to prove a game-changer in the country. It is an open platform that comprises digital registries of healthproviders and health facilities, unique health identity and universal access to health facilities. This could drive Dun & Bradstreet