India's Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023

8 | India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023 [ OVERVIEW OF INDIA HEALTHCARE SECTOR ] digitisation in the healthcare space. As a result, this would reinforce the role of the health tech firms and provide the effective means of medication to the patients. INDIA HEALTHCARE - OUTLOOK As India pivots closer to the ‘Virtual izat ion of Healthcare’ , remarkable breakthroughs are occurring, erasing the healthcare boundaries, and enabling care through mobi le, digi tal and wireless technologies. Digital health technologies have the potential to transform the way healthcare is delivered and help governments analyze big data to identify unmet needs andmeasure outcomes in a precise manner. Major i ty of pr ivate hospi tals in India are adopting various advanced technologies focusing on improving patients’ treatment and experience. Populat ion demographics, a growingmiddleclass, rising income levels, better health awareness and increasing lifestyle diseases al l put the importance of the healthcare industry in perspective. India’s healthcare market has been expanding at a healthy rate followed by the favorable initiatives taken by the government to make India a global hub for health and wellness. There is huge scope for foreign direct investment across Indian healthcare spectrum. There is an increased call for self- reliance in the Indian healthcare system wi th focus shi ft ing to innovation and research, drug and equipment manufacturing, digital transformation in health services, and fair access to healthcare solutions. Dun & Bradstreet