India's Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023

India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023 | 9 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Iron Mountain that continues to fuel everything we do. Please elaborate on some of the key products/services offered by your company? We’ve developed new technology- enabled products and solutions t o addr es s ou r cus t ome r ’ s biggest pain points, including workplace transformation, data and IT security, business process efficiency and accessibility, and sustainable products and solutions to support your social impact goals. These tailored solutions fall into 5 key areas: • Records Storage to safe custody of physical records • D i g i t i z a t i on o f phy s i ca l documents • I n t e l l i g e n t D o c u m e n t Processing / Content Service Platform with auto classification which gives secure access and apply governance rules digitally to your information • End of Life Secure IT Asset Disposition to securely handle IT assets through their lifecycle in an eco-friendly manner • Da t a Cen t e r Co l oca t i on services How do you think Indian Healthcare & Pharma companies can benefit from partnering with data management service providers and generate new revenue streams or enhance their efficiency through data? Ensuring data protection and emerging cyber threats within healthcare & pharma companies is a key aspect. Globally, Iron Mountain stores and manages 900 million medical records and 10 million slides from pathology. Several other services, including digital consultation and patient consent for access to their medical information, will bemade possible by the Digital Ecosystem. We help the healthcare providers to help achieve their goal & save money by using the Information lifecycle. • Customi ze workf lows and affordable lean management migration • Quick access to patient data through Ayushman Bharat Health Account • Accurate diagnosis through AI and ML integration • Quick, enhanced productivity and improved decision making • Eliminating frauds & reducing security threats • Increased ROI and Workforce effectiveness Additional revenue streams for datamonetization can be achieved from tracking health data for research purpose and by making it available to stakeholders. How would you describe the journey of your company since its inception? Fearing the Cold War could result in similar information destruction as World War II, Herman Knaust opened the first “vaults” inside a depleted mine he purchased in New York on August 24, 1951 – what he called his Iron Mountain. Beginning with 30 customers from a handful of industries, Iron Mountain Atomic Storage Corporation formed and stored microf i lms of bank ledgers , duplicate signature cards and the balances of 200,000 depositors. Soon, many companies recognized the need to protect their important records, so our leadership in physical storage began. Fast forward 70 years, we serve 250,000+ customers in 66 different countries, including 95% of the Fortune 1000 to SMBs. To protect, access, manage, and increasingly enhance the value of bi l l ions of valuable assets, including highly sensitive data, fine art, and intellectual property, businesses rely on Iron Mountain today. It is our DNA rooted in trust and service Anuj Kapur Senior Director & Head of India Region Dun & Bradstreet