India's Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023

22 | India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023 [ OVERVIEW OF INDIA PHARMACEUTICALS SECTOR ] G o v e r nme n t t h r u s t : T h e government has floated various schemes and policies to bring about overall development of the industry and to boost innovation and technological levels for industry. ƒ The National Commission for Al l ied and Healthcare Professional Bill 2021 is aimed at regulating and maintaining high educational and service standards for professionals within the industry. ƒ Ayushman Bharat i s the largest government-funded healthcare programme in the world, targeting roughly 50% of country’s population ƒ Thegovernment has alsobeen investing towards creation and promotion of bulk drug manufacturing parks. Besides, programs such as production linked incentive schemes to facilitate investment and foster innovation, and to encourage domestic production of key APIs. ƒ Pradhan Mant r i Bhar t i ya Janaushadh i Pa r i yo j ana (PMBJP) has been formulated with the objective of providing af fordable medi c ines to c ommo n p e o p l e . T h e scheme includes over 800 medicines and 154 surgicals and consumab l es wh i l e Jan Aushadi stores provide g e n e r i c me d i c i n e s a t competitive prices. ƒ Ayushman Bharat Scheme, the Pradhan Mant r i Jan Arogya Yojna or PM-JAY is the world’s largest health assurance scheme aimed at providing health cover for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 107.4 million underprivileged families. Cross border alliances: There has been growing trend of cross border collaboration, partnerships and M&A. It will help to improve exchange of knowledge, R&D Dun & Bradstreet