India's Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023

60 | India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023 For the purpose of the publication, ‘India’s Leading Healthcare & Pharma Companies 2023’ , the sector has been divided into the following key segments Pharmaceuticals Companies engaged in manufacturing of formulations, bulk drugs, active pharma ingredients, contract research & manufacturing, vaccines, biologics and biosimilars and other activities related to pharma industry Medical Devices Manufacturing of medical equipment, surgical and laboratory equipment’s, single use devices, implants, imaging, personal protective equipment, and other segments related to manufacturing of medical devices Healthcare Services Hospitals, health centres, diagnostics, wellness & prevention, health-tech companies, services classified under Division 86 and 87 as per NIC classification 2008 and other service provider related to healthcare & pharma companies HealthTech HealthTech are defined as startup businesses providing technologies to make healthcare systems and the delivery of healthcare services more efficient, including the use of technology to provide healthcare services to various consumer segments Others Companies which are integral part of Healthcare & Pharma ecosystem which does not fall either in the above mentioned segments of Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, Healthcare services and Health- tech companies Eligibility Criteria and Shortlisting Process • As a basic selection company should have reported a standalone total income of at least INR 0.1 bn and positive net-worth for medical devices and healthcare services (diagnostics, hospitals) in FY22 and total income of at least INR 0.25 bn and positive net-worth for pharmaceutical companies in FY22 METHODOLOGY Dun & Bradstreet