India’s Top 500 Value Creators 2023
India’s Top 500 Value Creators 2023 | 53 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] What significant achievements mark the path of APL Apollo Tubes as a value creator? The APL Apollo strategy embodies continuous efforts towards delivering excellence, becoming synonymous with unmatched quality and reliability. Wi th the company’s market cap soaring to INR 400 B, it has exceeded projections and solidified its position as a market creator in this highly compet i t ive market . Redef ining industry standards, the heart of the company’s success lies in the constant innovation by its R&D team, portrayed in its overall output of 2.28 MnT and a commanding 55% market share. In 2023, APL Apollo commissioned its crown jewel, the Raipur facility. Spanning400 acres, this facility ranks as one of the largest in Asia for structural steel tubes, delivering a superior range of products that add tangible value to customer projects. At the same time, the company’s partnership with the legendary Amitabh Bachchan as a brand ambassador has amplified the brand connection in a highly technical steel tube industry. Sanjay Gupta Chairman & Managing Director APL Apollo Tubes Limited Looking at the future, the company is heading towards achieving a remarkable 5 MnT capacity goal. To fulfil this, the company is working towards es t abl i sh i ng two new manufacturing facilities in Kolkata and its first manufacturing presence beyond India in Dubai. How has the company optimised its processes to minimise waste and enhance resource utilisation to make operations sustainable? Also, how has the company integrated ESG priorities into the overall business strategy of APL Apollo? As APL Apollo progresses toward becoming a net-zero company by 2050, sustainability is an integral part of the company’s brand identity and business strategy. The company has understood the importance of al igning wi th modern consumer values based on social responsibility, and it is committed to embodying sustainability in every facet of its operations. Currently, 38% of the company’s energy requirements originate from renewable sources, 27%of water consumed in the facilities is recycled, and 28 tons of solid waste is recycled, leading to a 15% reduction in the company’s energy consumption per tonne of production. Similarly, APL Apollo’s lineup of innovative and eco-conscious products aims to preserve the environment. By opting for these products, its customers play an active role in conserving 2,50,000 trees annually. Furthermore, the company takes pride inmoving up the Environmental, Social, andGovernance (ESG) rankings in recent years, surpassing industry averages. This growth is a result of the company’s ESG-integrated DNA, which treats its products beyond mere commodities and reflects the brand’s responsibility towards the planet Earth. Dun & Bradstreet
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