India’s Top PSUs 2022
3 The fourteenth edition of ‘ India’s Top PSUs ’ publication features 315 public sector undertakings (PSUs). The publication comprises 215 central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) which are a part of the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) list (operational enterprises as on 31.03.2021; public sector scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) as defined by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 31.03.2021, excluding regional rural banks (RRBs); public sector insurance companies as defined by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and other public sector NBFCs/financial institutions formed by the Act of Indian Parliament. The status of CPSEs (Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna) is as enumerated by the DPE as of March 2021. This edition of the publication also recognizes the contribution of State PSUs. Accordingly, we have identified India’s leading 100 State PSUs based on their financial parameters for past 3 years. These companies have been separately listed as ‘Leading 100 State PSUs in India’ in the publication. The standalone financial information of State PSUs has been sourced from credible sources such as Ministry of Corporate Affairs, company websites, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, websites of State Governments, other regulatory websites, etc. Companies where the financial statements were unavailable at the time of compiling the list were excluded from the list. The initial selection of the Central PSUs was based on compilations from various sources such as the DPE, RBI, IRDAI, BSE, Dun & Bradstreet’s database and data from various ministries. This publication features PSUs with a standalone total income equal to or above INR 250 million during FY21 as a selection criterion. Information contained in this publication has been procured from authentic and credible sources available in the public domain such as company annual reports/ documents, websites, DPE and the registrar of companies. Further, we also reached out to the universe of PSUs for collation of information. Companies that did not respond with critical data and/or whose information is not available in the public domain were not considered as their information could not be verified and authenticated. For the respective company information in this publication, all the financial information is based on standalone financial information available in the public domain such as from annual reports or financial statements (audited or provisional) or as disclosed by DPE in its Public Enterprise Survey 2020-21. The various financial computations are as per Dun & Bradstreet methodology and have been explained explicitly in the ‘Definitions and Calculations’ section. Each company featured in the publication has been allotted a unique identification number (D-U-N-S ® - Data Universal Numbering System). This will help the readers locate and obtain full-fledged information reports on these companies from the Dun & Bradstreet database. The editorial team is confident that ‘ India’s Top PSUs 2022 ’ will prove to be a source of valuable information. Further, we would be pleased to receive your invaluable feedback and suggestions. Methodology Dun & Bradstreet
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