India’s Top PSUs 2022
10 CPSUs contribution to the growth of Indian economy The CPSUs are deeply entrenched in the Indian economy and have played a crucial role in achieving social and development goals like alleviating regional imbalance, employment generation, skilling of people and development of social infrastructure, amongst others. They have also immensely contributed towards steady and sustained growth of the Indian economy through the contribution to GDP, investments, exports and central exchequer. Market-cap of 61 listed CPSUs increased by 48% y-o-y to INR 12.2 trillion in FY2021. CPSUs’ contribution to the Indian Economy in FY2021 CPSUs' contribution to the Indian Economy in FY21 30% to Central Exchequer 4% to Exports 3% to GVA 15% of Employment 1) 6% to BSE's Market-cap 1) Employment data pertains to organised sector Source: RBI, CGA, Department of Public Enterprises, EPFO, NPS and Dun & Bradstreet Research Gross revenue growth of CPSUs in line with GDP growth during FY11 to FY21 period D&B have analyzed the CPSUs performance for FY11 and FY21 period. CPSUs performance: Operating & profit making companies FY2011 vs FY2021 FY11 FY21 Number of operating CPSUs Number of Profit Making CPSUs Number of Loss Making CPSUs 62 158 220 77 177 255 Source: Public Enterprises Survey FY11 and FY21, Dun & Bradstreet Research Dun & Bradstreet
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