India’s Top PSUs 2022

12 Number of operating CPSUs and sector-wise break-up for FY21 Number of CPSUs in FY21 Agriculture Mining & Exploration Manufacturing, Processing & Generation Services 255 139 90 24 2 Sectorwise Number of CPSUs in FY21 Source: Public Enterprises Survey FY21, Dun & Bradstreet Research ƒ Out of operating CPSUs, 90% of CPSUs are focused on services and manufacturing domain with services constituting 54% of operating CPSUs for FY21 - In Services sector, top 3 segments in terms of number of CPSUs were Contract, Construction & Tech. Consultancy (45 CPSUs), Transport & Logistics (25 CPSUs) and Financial Services (22 CPSUs). - In Manufacturing, Processing & Generation sector, top 3 segments in terms of number of CPSUs were Heavy & Medium Engineering (36 CPSUs), Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (20 CPSUs) and Industrial & Consumer Goods and Power Generation (13 CPSUs each). Remarkable profitability growth in spite of subdued top line growth in FY21 The pandemic and the subsequent containment measures had severe impact on the Indian economy with GDP witnessing steepest contractions in first half of FY21. However, the accelerated pace of vaccination as well as fiscal andmonetary policy stimulus helped the economy to get on the recovery path in the second half of FY21. The CPSU sector has also felt the impact of the pandemic-led disruption. Dun and Bradstreet India have analysed some of the key financial indicators of CPSUs to provide holistic view of FY21 performance Dun & Bradstreet