India’s Top PSUs 2022
13 Gross revenue: Marginal decline of 1.3% due to COVID induced disruption 19.6 21.6 25.5 24.6 24.3 (6.9) (10.2) (18.1) (-3.5) (-1.3) FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Total Gross Revenue ( ` trillion) Growth (% y-o-y) Figures in parentheses are y-o-y percentage growth Source: Public Enterprises Survey 2020-21, Dun & Bradstreet Research Aggregate gross revenue of CPSUs declined by 1.3% y-o-y to INR 24.3 trillion in FY21 primarily due to decline in revenue from manufacturing, processing & generation and mining and exploration segment. Manufacturing, processing & generation segment gross revenue declined by 4.3% y-o-y in FY21. It accounts for approx. two-thirds share in the total gross revenue of CPSUs for FY21. o CPSUs from Petroleum (refinery & marketing) sector witnessed a decline of 5.1% y-o-y in gross revenue for FY21 due to reduced demand for petroleum products. India’s petroleum products demand fell by 9.1% to 194.6 MMT in FY21. It accounts for approx. half of the total gross revenue for CPSUs in FY21. o Gross revenue of CPSUs from Crude Oil segment declined by 28.6% to INR 895.1 billion in FY21 due to reduced production, heightened price volatility in global crude oil & natural gas and subdued demand amidst moderating economic activity especially in the first half of FY21. Gross revenues of services have increased by 13.7% in FY21 and accounts for approx. one- fourth share of total aggregate revenues of CPSUs for FY21. Gross revenues from agriculture andmining & exploration CPSUs declined by 17.8% and 14.6% respectively in FY21. Mining & exploration share in total CPSUs revenue for FY21 is approx. 9% while share of revenue from agriculture CPSUs is very marginal. Dun & Bradstreet
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