India’s Top PSUs 2022

39 ƒ Clinic: Allows the doctors to record the clinical data of the patients and order investigations, procedures and medicines, to keep track of the treatment and other services provided to the patients. ƒ Lab Information System: Automates the manual procedures used in various laboratory areas ƒ Radiology Information System: Automates themanual procedures used in the radiology services ƒ Store & Pharmacy: Used for managing the stores and pharmacies along with generating indents and procuring/providing store items and medicines. ƒ Operation Theatre (OT) Management: Automates the functions and workflows of operation theatres in the hospitals. ƒ Dietary: Automates the functions of dietary services provided to the patients in the hospitals. ƒ Laundry: Automates the functions and workflows of laundry services in the hospitals. The e-Hospital application is hosted at NIC’s National Cloud MeghRaj, built on a decentralized multi-instance architecture. Currently, 1,074 hospitals, 53.8 thsd users are onboarded on e-hospital application. The daily average patients visit count stands at 175 thsd while 450 thsd daily average transactions are carried. The e-Hospital live transactions status as on September 9,2022 shows that there are 642 number of active hospitals on e-Hospital. As on September 9, 2022, total OPD transactions stand at 270 thsd, total IPD (ADT) at 16.8 thsd, total billing transactions at 37.6 thsd. As per Online Registration System, 506 hospitals are onboarded for online appointments, out of which 219 are state government hospitals, 73 are central government hospitals and 13 are autonomous hospitals. Further, there 137 registered blood banks with 231 thsd voluntary blood donors onboarded on e-BloodBank portal. Du & Bradstreet