Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2021

1 Dun & Bradstreet India is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of its publication ‘Leading Mid- Corporates of India’ . For over a decade, Dun & Bradstreet has been closely associated with Indian MSME community through its premier publication Leading SMEs of India. However, since 2020 edition, we decided to analyse more in-depth the performance of small and medium business, by splitting the erstwhile single comprehensive publication into two sets of listings – Leading SMEs of India and Leading Mid- Corporates of India. Of these, ‘Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2021’ publication lists as well as profiles some of the leading mid-sized businesses of India. For the purpose of this publication, Mid-Corporates are defined as businesses with annual standalone turnover between ` 250 crores and ` 1,000 crores in FY20. In addition to the listing and profiling of Mid- Corporates, the publication features success stories, case studies and interviews of Mid-Corporates showcasing their business operations, their achievements, their journeys since inception and key initiatives they have implemented, among others. In a sense, the profiled companies are torchbearers of success for the mid-sized business sector. While the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard mid-sized businesses as well, some of them have shown remarkable resilience during this challenging period. They have shown financial resilience, organizational capabilities and strategic focus which helped them to adapt to the crisis of this proportion. The financial and operational agility was mainly achieved through accelerated digitization and reskilling of their employees. Alike large businesses, Mid-Corporates have been moving online to a certain extent for a while. However, lockdowns and social distancing accelerated the digital transformation of Mid-Corporates and led them to deep dive into the realm of new age digital technologies like cloud-based solutions, data analytics, remote working and e-commerce platforms. Digital transformation ensured continuity of business for Mid-corporates and also helped them to reach out to customers. Moreover, digitization led to reduced costs, enhanced competitiveness, better understanding of customer behaviour as well as standardization & automation of business processes. Hence, the mid-sized businesses that have leveraged digital most, not only survived but were also able to thrive in this challenging period. In the post pandemic era, which is often referred as ‘new normal’, digitization will continue to play a crucial role in the growth of Mid- corporates. They would need to align digitization with their business priorities in order to achieve sustainable growth. The pandemic adversely impacted the working capital management of Mid-corporates as well. Hence, besides digitization, easy access to cash-flow based business loans will also play a major role in sustainable growth of Mid- corporates. Here, Fintech platforms have the potential to offer cash-flow based lending products to this segment. The use of data analytics tools can enable Fintech lenders to customize credit products that meet the specific needs of Mid-corporate borrower. This can foster a favourable credit environment thereby boosting recovery of Mid-corporates. I hope you will enjoy reading ‘Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2021’ , and I look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and suggestions. Avinash Gupta Managing Director - India Dun & Bradstreet PREFACE Dun & Bradstreet