Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2023

28 | Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2023 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] To cope with the energy-intensive and polluting nature of the logistics business, wehave invested ingreen infrastructure and technology. We are actively adopting EV- technology, with plans to convert our first and last mile fleet to electric vehicles in the next few years. Responsible and social sourcing has become a priority, especially after the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic on global supply chains. Safexpress now sources locally to enhance resilience and build sustainable practices and relationships. While Safexpress continues to invest in infrastructure & trucks, our primary focus is on creating assets that promote sustainable practices and support long-term growth. How does your organisation leverage on innovative supply chain & logistics solutions to drive operational efficiency? Safexpress has been a pioneer in bringing transparency to the logistics & distribution business through digital innovation. This includes investments in WMS solutions, smart-EDI linkages, handheld devices, GPS and cloud- based technologies. As I say this, I must admit, our digital innovations are a work in continuum. We firmly believe that technology and innovation are wor th so long they a id humanly initiatives and not their replacement. We have made a fair stride in this field. What has been the success mantra for your company? I would attribute this to People and relationships. Safexpress takes pr ide in i ts closely-knit organization, with many employees and vendors be i ng assoc i ated s i nce the company’s inception 26 years ago. Building strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders is a core value for the company, f os t e r i ng l oya l t y and t r us t among employees, franchisees, associates, and vendors. The involvement of second-generation individuals further fuels Safexpress’ growth and success. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Relationship - Ethics - Self Discipline - Pride - Evolve - Custodianship – Teamwork) is at the core of company culture. Similarly, once a customer is always a customer is the cornerstone of our philosophy. We are the committed custodians of not only their valuables but also always willing to walk the extra mile in nurturing relationships with them. This is how we began our journey. And we are committed to stay true to this. How would you describe the journey of your company since its inception? What are some of the key milestones of the company in recent years? 1990s, a period of high optimism and economic growth, Safexpress started its logistics operations in 1997, embracing a hub-and-spoke distribution model. We have since expanded significantly, boasting over 800 offices and 10,000+ fully containerised vehicles, with warehousing space of 18 mn sq. feet , connected through 97 transshipment hubs and 76 logistics parks. We offer a comprehensive range of logistics services, including warehousing, express distribution, door - to-door logi s t i cs , and VMI services. Additionally, our specialized consultancy service leverages data and information to solve complex logistics and supply chain operation problems for our clients. Rubal Jain Managing Director Safexpress Private Limited Dun & Bradstreet