Leading SMEs of India 2020

L - 253 Alphabetical Listing Leading SMEs of India 2020 Ninesec Integration Pvt. Ltd. was formed in 2000 by two schoolmates, both in search of new beginnings, through a chance encounter. However, the diversity in their respective backgrounds could not have been more stark. Sriraman, an arts graduate, with few years in the IT industry. Ajay, an engineer, with a few failed business ventures. The name Ninesec was derived from the core technology areas the venture would operate in – namely, N etworking, IN frastructure, E -Communications and SEC urity. From those humble beginnings to 2020, Ninesec has come a long way, to find a well deserved place amongst the distinguished leaders in the SME businesses of India. The journey has been, by no means easy. Though it has been tortuous at times, it is through sheer grit and determination of the leadership team, that they have risen spectacularly, after every setback, and taken Ninesec to new heights. The lodestone of their journey has been an unwavering adherence to ethics and integrity at all times, in any situation. Along the journey, they have built a best in class team of professionals, which have made a name for themselves in the industry. No wonder, customers hardly ever want to let go of Ninesec, as their chosen business partner. The esteemed enterprise customers rely on Ninesec for future ready solutions for their strategic IT requirements, with time bound deliveries and professional execution. Ninesec is a certified partner of some of the leading brands in the IT infrastructure space, namely Cisco, HPE, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, VMWare, etc. to name a few. The team of bright engineers at Ninesec have always kept pace with the changing technological landscapes, and have adapted and aquired new skills as customers and technologies demand. It speaks volumes of their resilience and the enabling policies and environment the management at Ninesec creates for its employees. Ninesec can proudly boast of one of the lowest employee churn in the industry. Ninesec is well geared to face the oncoming challenges posed by fast changing digital landscape. With the added acceleration provided by the Pandemic, it requires tremendous resilience and agility to adapt to the gamut of technological challenges posed by digitalization, cloud, AI and many other fast evolving technologies, in the quest of being at the forefront of providing future ready solutions to enterprise customers. The leadership team at Ninesec is confident of being able to meet these challenges and continue to grow and venture into new areas of technology. Ninesec aims to become more than a vendor, a trusted consultant, a business partner in the growth of their esteemed customers. Thus, as the cliché goes, the best is yet to come. Ninesec Integration Private Limited Ajay Dand Director Devang Dand (Standing) Sriraman Ganapathi Directors Dun & Bradstreet