Leading SMEs of India 2020

E - 3 Leading SMEs of India 2020 Experts' View complete control of their expense management, process efficiency, have data and analytics around that and generate more savings using cards. Our products and solutions are powerful tools for businesses to consolidate and digitize their business payments and make their businesses more compliant while availing unsecured credit, earning rewards and benefits. Our Corporate cards and Payment solutions suite help automate business spends, simplify expense management and enable digitization of everyday business payments for our customers. We have built Best in Class card platforms that help delivering customized solutioning for different category of spends, provide high quality data feeds and strong advisory around optimizing process and controls. We also use our powerful data analytics engines to drive valuable insights on benchmarking customer spend patterns and driving cost efficiencies for our customers. Our Buyer Initiated Payment (BIP) solution enables consolidation and scheduling of vendor payments digitally, providing extended payment terms and improving the cash flow cycle for our customers. In the last several years, American Express has successfully supported numerous Accounts Payables programs through its digital platform, and MSMEs have been a key beneficiary of the same. We have customizable Account Receivable solutions that can help MSMEs expand their distribution network and receive early payments maintaining cash flows and mitigating credit risk. How is Amex leveraging technology to help digitize the customer experience today. In today’s world, the pace at which the adoption of digital technology is transforming services and businesses is just phenomenal. We are providing end to end digital solutions to the clients leveraging new technologies like Big Data that are helping in smooth customer journeys covering the entire lifecycle - advisory, onboarding, transacting and interacting. We are achieving this through our 4 key initiatives: - Digital onboarding - We have launched a digital onboarding platform to provide a seamless onboarding experience, transforming old and archaic paper- based processes into fully digitized client experiences. Today, more than 80% of our customers are getting onboarded digitally. - Digital payment solutions - We have customized solutions that help automating and streamlining business payments and processes through tools like @Work and Buyer Initiated Payment (BIP) for Digitizing core business spends. - Digital Resources - We have a powerful suite of analytic tools and in-depth insights that helps clients keep a track of their spends and get peer benchmarking. - Digital communication and support - We have heightened our engagement with our customers through all our digital assets across web, apps and mobile and launched enhanced capabilities like BOTs to support interactive client journeys. Dun & Bradstreet