Leading SMEs of India 2020

Experts' View Leading SMEs of India 2020 E - 13 Please provide a brief background of the company and its operations. Cloudstrats is a global solutions and managed services company. Headquartered in New York, we serve customers in India, North America, Europe and the MENA regions. Solutions, Advisory and Managed Services are three pillars of our offerings. Our Solutions cover tactical and strategic Automation and Analytics powered by machine learning and AI. Advisory in Technology Strategy, Information Security, Business Continuity and Process optimization is our forte with focus on Datacenters, Virtualization, Cloud and Cybersecurity. Under Managed Services, we provide Design, Build, Migration, Management, Modernization, Automation, Security and Optimization services. Prior to Cloudstrats, our core team handled technology management roles and gained extensive experience of working with global ecosystems. Cloudstrats During our interaction with large players, we found a common gap of lack of focus on cloud and its enabled services. Cloudstrats was born out of the idea of bridging this gap in the marketplace. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted business? What are the strategies that the company has deployed to tide over this crisis? Cloudstrats has been fortunate to stay afloat amid the ongoing pandemic situation by providing cloud, work from home, analytics and enhanced information security solutions. We have supported various government organizations such as the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Assam Governments, Maharashtra Corona Control Room in their fight against COVID−19 by developing an application named “NARAD”. NARAD has helped digitize and automate the patient data management process and provided analytical solutions. NARAD was deployed in Mumbai and in the state of Chhattisgarh and helped in saving countless lives and helping COVID warriors fight it better. We also enabled several government organizations across the country to adapt to cloud and remote working with Microsoft Azure and Teams. We received fantastic feedback for them. As a leader what is your vision for the company and what is the company’s growth strategy to achieve that vision? Our vision is to establish Cloudstrats as a global brand and to make it a trusted name in the field of technology innovation, managed services and security. Our hunger for innovation has been the driving force of our business. We take pride in investing a lot on learning & research and practice the Cloudstrats mantra of #DreamBelieveAchieve. Cloudstrats has been putting the right investments to get more traction and business abroad. We are acquiring more customers in North America, Europe, APAC and MENA regions and that us led to more growth and mitigate customer concentration risk. The growth of AI due to the widespread adoption of Cloud and Analytics has made our market more exciting and gratifying. We are building new capabilities in these new paradigms and also new products that marry the best of all these fantastic growth drivers and deliver more business results for our customers. These tools now in the true sense of the word, make technology the major enabler and driver for business growth for our customers. Piyus Kanti CEO Our hunger for innovation has been the driving force of our business. We take pride in investing a lot on learning & research and practice the Cloudstrats mantra of #DreamBelieveAchieve Dun & Bradstreet