Leading SMEs of India 2020

Experts' View Leading SMEs of India 2020 E - 17 Please provide a brief background of the company and its operations On December 1, 2011 when my business partner, Jitendra Dahale and I started Ethosh, we had one mission—to empower, enable and delight people with digital. Today, we are not only walking the same path but growing in leaps and bounds with the same purpose in mind. Ethosh helps enterprises use digital technologies and digital content to communicate to their stakeholders. As we see it, we help them provide digital experiences. People remember experiences more than the information. At Ethosh, we constantly innovate to make every customer experience a quality experience, delivered with the added advantages of optimum speed, scale and cost. We leverage the skill of our team to make digital more acceptable and affordable, primarily in the SME segment. Ethosh Designs Private Limited We use digital to help market, sell and support, and teach. We assist marketers build digital campaigns that are productively engaging. We teach learning organizations to create effective and engaging learning experiences that are performance oriented. Kindly take us through your journey and your motivation behind starting the company I am a mechanical engineer by qualification but a sales professional by passion and profession. I love to help, and I believe sales allows me to do that. I handled sales roles in different organizations before starting Ethosh. I worked at SAP in the USA for about 13 years. Here, I had the opportunity to help many organizations—small, medium, and large—adopt SAP solutions successfully. When I came back to India in May 2010, I perceived a big gap in the communication space. Not only were enterprises using old methods, but also their communication was not effective. It was very text-heavy and primarily in the static print format. We thought this was a problem worth solving. Everyone was beginning to carry a smartphone and enterprises were perforce getting technologically smarter. We wanted to help enterprises adopt digital channels and digital content. That was our mission and our primary motivation. Thus, Ethosh was born. Kindly elaborate on your company’s innovation initiatives. What kind of outcomes have these initiatives helped the company derive? Ethosh has been on the path of innovation right from its inception. While we won the CII Innovation Award in 2018, it was equally satisfying for us to help several clients win innovation awards for the solutions we helped create. We were the first company to design and develop a simulator for the Indian Navy, based on virtual reality (VR). We were the first to provide a VR-based training simulator for a large German manufacturing company. We were the first to leverage augmented reality (AR) to help at-home consumers pick the right tiles and paints. We continue to invest heavily in innovation. And we are constantly working out novel ways to help our customers deliver unique digital experiences. There is always a better way. And Ethosh is constantly pursuing that. Rahul Deshpande CEO & Co-Founder At Ethosh, we constantly innovate to make every customer experience a quality experience, delivered with the added advantages of optimum speed, scale and cost. Dun & Bradstreet