Leading SMEs of India 2023

Leading SMEs of India 2023 | 11 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Dhiren Sanghadia Managing Director INTECH Creative Services Pvt. Ltd. your company adapt to new technologies and opportunities in the IT service industry? Embracing new technologies and seizing opportunities is an integral part of our business strategy. I’d like to discuss at high level, how we adapt to these changes in the IT service industry. Continuous Learning and Skill Development: We invest heavily in the professional development of our teammembers. We encourage them to pursue certifications and attend workshops, conferences, and our custom developed iNLP (Intech Nurturing Leadership) program is tailored to inculcate r ight values and create new age leaders. This ensures that our workforce is equipped with the necessary tools to handle emerging trends effectively. New Technology Adoption: We keep a close eye on emerging technologies and evaluate their potential for our business and c l ients . When we ident i fy a technology that aligns with our goals and adds value to our service offerings, we proactively adopt it. Collaboration and Partnerships: We foster strategic partnerships and collaborations with technology providers and research institutions. These partnerships allowus to gain early access to new technologies and c rea t e a co l l abor a t i ve ecosystem for idea exchange and innovation. People-centricity: We place great importance on understanding the world and challenges of our people. At Intech, Peoplemeans its employees, customers, partners, investors, associates and their families. By following these, we have been successful in not only staying relevant in the IT service industry but also thr iving in an ever- changing digital landscape. How is your company supporting the digitalization drive of Indian MSMEs and large corporations? We a c t i v e l y s u p p o r t t h e digi tal izat ion dr ive of Indian MSMEs and large corporations. We offer tailored and cost-effective solutions tomeet thediverse needs of businesses. Our consultative approach ensures alignment with their goals, while scalable and future-ready technologies prepare them for emerging challenges. We provide training to upskill their workforce, prioritise data security, and ensure seamless integration with existing systems. Ongoing support and collaboration with government initiatives further bolster the digital transformation journey. Through our efforts, we aim to empower businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, contributing to India’s overall growth. What specific industry sectors/ domains does the company have expertise in, and how has the company showcased proficiency in those areas? INTECH has a demonstrable track record in industry sectors like logistics and supply chain, retail, port and terminals andprofessional services. Our expertise in these sectors enables us toprovide tailor- made solutions for businesses, helping them to compete and grow in a competitive market, carry out large scale and enterprise grade integrations with various business critical applications and legacy systems. We have entered into strategic association with premium academic institutions to support their initiative to prepare industry grade professionals and have allied with them to carry out research based development model to strengthen our offerings, which further benefits our end customers. With the ever-changing digital landscape, how does Dun & Bradstreet