Leading SMEs of India 2023

14 | Leading SMEs of India 2023 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] over 150 centres in 22 States. We are on course to clock over INR 100 crore of topline for the 5th year running despite the turbulent times the industry has witnessed over the last one-and-a-half-years. What are the major technology innovations and initiatives of the company in recent years? Research and Development is a key focus area of FTA - both at the plant and the field levels. At the production stage, the company has made innovations to enhance productivity that helps drive down the overall cost of its products. FTA engineering teams have been able to develop indigenous machines for production and finishing of plates at the field level. What has been the success mantra for your company? “A successful entrepreneur is someone who has an ambition and self-confidence, willingness to take a leap of faith and prepared to learn from mistakes along the journey. Good leaders are those who can respect and cherish their people, rally their interests towards organizational goals, and regard risk-taking as an opportunity to grow and learn”. -These principles have led to the development of an organisation, where the people consider themselves as an integral part of the story and not just as employees. This has helped set FTA apart from its peers and is a big reason for the success that comes along the way. What is your company’s growth strategy for the next 3-5 years? With continuous improvements in systems, processes, products, or services and implementing the innovative ideas we would like to make our company pioneer in the HSRP domain across the country 5 years down the line. Along with it, the company would like to add new territories for HSRP vertical and would also like to explore the new opportunities to add new verticals in the transport segment. How would you describe the journey of your company since its inception? What are some of the key milestones of the company in recent years? To curb the rising cases of vehicle theft across thecountry, theHon’ble Supreme Court of India, in 2011 made it mandatory for all vehicles to be sold with High Security Registration Plates (HSRPs). FTA HSRP Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Based in Gandhinagar, the company was chosen by theGujarat Government in 2012 to supply and affix these registration plates to more than 1.25 crore vehicles across the State. Incorporated in 2012, FTA soon carved a niche for itself frombeing a regional player in Gujarat to becoming the vendor of choice for most of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) since 2019 and supplying to their dealer networks across the country. Today, it caters to almost 25% of all new vehicles across categories that are sold in India. Now, it has Saral Verma Founder & CEO FTA HSRP Solutions Private Limited Dun & Bradstreet