Leading SMEs of India 2023

Leading SMEs of India 2023 | 15 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Yawer Ali Shah Co- Founder & CEO AMA Herbal Laboratories Private Limited (GOTS) Version 6.0 by the Control Union of the Netherlands, ZDHC, and REACH. Company has been recognized with the BIS Award 2022. AMA Herbal is also the sole Asian company to receive the Henkel Sustainability Award 2021. Additionally, under the leadership of Mr. Yawer Ali Shah, co-founder and CEO of AMA Herbal Group, India initiated the establishment of the first-ever standards for natural dyes. How does your organization leverage technologies and digital transformation to drive operational efficiency? AMAHerbal established itswebsite in 1997. In 2003, AMA Herbal had established a virtual shop space for our Vegetal Bio Colour and other products. Today, our entire system operatesonanEnterpriseResource Planning (ERP) platform, ensuring transparency and traceability. Our natural dyes section utilizes QR codes for electronic traceability, demonstrating responsible use of technology. We actively engage in virtual promotions and regularly update our websites to align with market and industry demands. How is the company gearing towards “Aatmanirbhar Bhavishya”? AMA Herbal recogni zed the dependency of India’s dyestuff industry on China for both raw materials and finished products. In response, we developed a comprehensive range of natural dyes that not only fulfill India’s requirements but are alsoexported to nations like China, a global hub for natural dyestuffs. Our technology has enabled India to become a leading provider of sustainability in the textile industry through natural dyes. Our present sustainable acts will lead us toward “ Aatmanirbhar Bhavishya ” What is your company’s growth strategy for the next 3-5 years? AMA Herbal is dedicated to promot ing the ful l potent ial and benefits of natural products for a better present and future. We pr ior i t i ze sus ta inabi l i ty , environmental consciousness, and health in our endeavors. In the textile industry, we aim to innovate and reduce carbon footprints, integrating initiatives suchas Indigo cultivation tomake textile products more sustainable. These actions contribute to our overall mission of making a positive impact on the world while providing sustainable solutions and increasing consumer awareness. How would you describe the journey of your company since its inception? What are some of the key milestones of the company in recent years? Pioneering sustainability in the text i le industry, AMA Herbal overcame hurdles in technology, suppl y chain, cos t ings , and standards . Wi thout external support, we forged a path with no es t ab l i shed sus t a i nab l e methodologies or recognition of natural dyes’ advantages over synthetics. Since 1996, we have been industry leaders in sustainable text i le manufacturingandour natural dyes gets exported to over 36 nations. Our DSIR-recognized R&Ddivision has developed a revolutionary no heating room-temperature dyeing process. Our Bio Indigo® product acts as a sustainable solution for balancing carbon footprints in denim production. Our natural dyes are certified by Global Organic Textile Standard Dun & Bradstreet