Leading SMEs of India 2023

Leading SMEs of India 2023 | 19 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Dr. Sreeni Tripuraneni Chairman and CEO 4G Identity Solutions Private Limited 4Gid’ s cont r ibut ions to the society were realized nationally and internationally and equally honoured as A Global Growth Company by World Economic Forum. The stellar performance of 4Gid has been rewarded by Leaders of Tomorrow award from ETNow, Frost & Sullivan Excellence Award for Growth Excellence & Leadership, ChannelWorldPremier 100 Award and Outstanding Entrepreneur Award from Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards. 4Gid was ranked the 4th fastest- growing technology company by Inc. 500 and was also listed in Deloitte Technology Fast 50. What are some of the key products / services offered by the company? 4Gid has successfully delivered the world’s largest civil ID project, Aadhaar Unique ID system and biometric based eVisa solutions globally. 4Gid has pioneering so l ut i ons i n Pub l i c Ser v i ce Delivery Infrastructure, Social Welfare schemes, ePassport, eVisa, Immigration & Border Control, Voter ID and National ID. How is the company’s Centre of Excellence supporting innovative products/solutions/suites offering? 4Gid’s Centre of Excellence is the only biometric Centre of Excellence in the world to have all generations of biometric devices and algorithms up and running for over two decades with the largest biometric testing database in the world with more than 100 million multi-modal (Finger, Iris & Face) biometric records. How is the company supporting government mission of “Aatmanirbhar Bhavishya”? 4Gid is committed towards its nat ion bui lding and support to government in i ts mission “Atmani rbhar Bharat” 4Gid’s contribution towards the economy by eliminating errors of inclusion and exclusion in government wel fare schemes has already resulted in phenomenal savings to the government exchequer, running into hundreds of millions of dollars is significant in the making of “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” a success story. What is your company’s growth strategy for next 3-5 years? 4Gid is venturing aggressively into newgeographiesandisdetermined to be recognized as a global leader in Identity Management Space. 4Gid is focused to implement large scale Multi Modal Biometric Identity Management Solutions in emerging countries including Homeland Security Solutions, Biometric E-Passport , E-Visa, Immigration and Border control solutions as the National Security is of great concern globally. 4G Ident i ty Solut ions Private Limited (4Gid) is a leading provider of large-scale identitymanagement solutions. We interviewed Dr. Sreeni Tripuraneni about key milestones, company’s centre of excellence supporting innovative offering and company’s growth strategy for next 3-5 years. At the start of our journey in 2001 Governments and Organizations across the globe were aware of multimodal biometric technologies and its enormous potential to positively identify the citizens for social inclusion programmes. Most of the legacy Biometric technologies , product s and solutions used at that time were developed to use in clean room environment for speci f ic and limited applications. 4Gid had significantly invested, innovate and modified these technologies, products and solutions to suit the needs of various applications, especially to work in adverse and harsh environments. www.4gid.com Dun & Bradstreet